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April 28-30, 2023

Felicity, OH
Registration is now closed.
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Couples Camp: Combat

God has brought you and your spouse together. Why? Spend a few nights in a tent connecting on a level that normal day-to-day life just doesn’t allow for. Couples Camp is a 48-hour date to rest, laugh, and rediscover the incredible purpose God has for your marriage. This year’s theme: COMBAT. Love is a battlefield. Get what you need to fight for each other.

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questions & answers

Do we need to be a married couple to attend Couples Camp?
Yes, this Couples Camp is designed for a man and woman who are married.

How will I get more details about camp?
You’ll get assigned to a campsite and a Camp Lead couple. Your Camp Leads will connect with you via email a few days after signups close. They’ll connect with you and the other folks in your campsite before Camp—that’s the perfect time to ask questions, make plans for who’s bringing and borrowing what, and to bond a bit before the experience itself.

Can we register for our friends?
Nope. Each couple needs to complete their own registration. It’s super important that each couple makes the effort to get their own registration taken care of—and each couple needs to digitally sign their own waiver.

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