2025 Go Trips
2025 Go Trips

Why We Go

When it comes to solving the big problems of injustice, poverty, and exploitation, people often think that “someone else” will step in.

Congrats, your name is "someone else"

There is no plan B. The cavalry is not coming. The Church is God’s plan for restoration and healing. That is why we GO.

If you’re still reading this, that means YOU are the someone that God might be nudging to get in the trenches. This is an invitation to step into an adventure with God. An invitation to change someone’s life. An invitation to change your life.

When was the last time you did something that required a leap of faith? Been a minute? You should GO.

Where We Go

For over two decades,
God has called
Crossroads to
GO and change the
world .

The work spans continents, oceans, time zones, languages, and cultures. We find best-in-class partners and work alongside them in any way we can. Each location has a unique connection to Crossroads, but the end goal is always the same – bring a dump truck full of hope to those who need it most.

What We Do

The Work

Vulnerable Children

No child deserves to grow up malnourished, homeless, or uneducated. Unfortunately, over 300 million kids around the world do. We partner with local organizations that understand the best way to deliver sustainable change. They provide the expertise, we provide the man hours. The result, kids that learn there are people out there who give a damn.

Locations for this work:
  • Durban
  • Guatemala
  • Nicaragua
  • Cape Town
  • Johannesburg
  • Monterrey
  • At Risk Communities

    One out of every eight humans are considered “at risk”. Ignored or oppressed, fighting a battle with extreme poverty or decimated by natural disasters, they often lack access to basic needs. Forgotten people. “Someone else’s” responsibility. In other words, exactly the people that Jesus told us to serve. So we roll up our sleeves and get to work. We’ve established partnerships and true friendships, and now we’re seeing real change in the communities where God has called us.

    Locations for this work:
  • Guatemala
  • Martin County, KY
  • Puerto Rico
  • Nicaragua
  • Alabama
  • Monterrey
  • Exploited Individuals

    Every single year, over 27 million people are victims of human trafficking. Twenty. Seven. Million. Innocent women and children forced into a hellish life of torture. Jesus was often quoted saying; “if the problem seems too big, you should bury your head in the sand and ignore it.” You guessed it Bible scholar, Jesus never said that. So we GO. We enter the fight. Sure, it feels like Goliath, but we all know how that story ends. With best-in-class partners on the front lines, we’ve landed our fair share of slingshot blows. Grab your stones. Let’s GO.

    Locations for this work:
  • Nepal
  • India
  • For I was HUNGRY and you gave me something to eat, I was THIRSTY and you gave me something to drink, I was A STRANGER and you invited me in, I needed CLOTHES and you clothed me, I was SICK and you looked after me, I was IN PRISON and you came to visit me.
    – Matthew 25:35-36
    Your Spiritual
    mimecast script