Crossroads Woman Camp Logo

September 22-24, 2023

Felicity, OH
Registration is now open!
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Woman Camp: Set Free

God wants women to walk in freedom. Yet it is so easy to feel bound—trapped under the weight of things we carry that keep us from experiencing the fullness of God's plans and purpose for our lives. The good news is that no matter what burdens we carry into camp, we can lay them down and walk out in freedom. As daughters of God we have been fought for, rescued and ransomed. At camp we will be SET FREE.

Woman Camp is unique camping experience designed by women for women.  A place for you to rest, and slowly walk into beauty and adventure. Set up a tent. Start a fire. Start a conversation. Connect with God. Take your place at the table. Find your people. Experience beauty and the wild love of God. Awake your soul. Be set free.

Recent Videos

Take your Seat at the Table

Jackie’s Story

Take a Road Trip

Amy's Story

Every Time is a New Experience

2017 Promo

2017 Recap

2016 Recap

2015 Original Promo

Off The Grid - Week 2 (Full Service)

For most of us, our daily grind wears us down, isolates us, and makes us question our identity and value. Today, we’re going to see women leave that daily grind and find the freedom, hope, and identity that God made them for.

I'm in progress at Base Camp

Check out the 400+ acres of land that is hosting thousands of folks at MAN CAMP, Woman Camp, and Couples Camp. Learn more at

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questions & answers

What if I’ve never camped before?
Join the crowd! Many of us are newbies. Part of the fun and freedom comes from trying something adventurous and realizing you can do it. We’ll give you a packing list, camping tips, and your assigned Campsite Host will help prepare you. At camp, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to pitch a tent, keep a fire going, and accomplish this toe-dip into pioneer life. We believe in you.

How are campsites organized?
Campsites are groups of 6-8 women led by a Campsite Host. We send out a survey after registration closes that allows campsite hosts and campers to request their campsite. We do our very best to accommodate as many of these requests as possible. Regardless of who you end up with, there’s plenty of time to mingle—and Woman Camp is all about inclusion and community. So be prepared to meet new women and experience sweet freedom. 

What if I don’t know anybody going?
Perfect! Many women register and don’t know a soul. Camp becomes a place to find kindred women and share an experience with new friends. Also, before camp, your Campsite Host will connect you with your campsite and start the bonding.

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