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You were born to make a difference

Crossroads has always been about world change. It’s in our DNA. Through local, national, and international partnerships we’ll experience purpose and relationship, together.

Volunteer Events GO Trips Our Partners
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go change the world

GO Trips 2023

GO Trips are an opportunity full of life change and adventure that will impact you in unexpected ways. With love, compassion, and boots on the ground, we serve those who serve others. God designed us for purpose and relationship, and that’s what you’ll experience when you go. Get in the game and go.

Check out the 2023 GO Trips
Volunteer Tutoring

Volunteer Tutoring

If you can read this and love encouraging kids, try being a tutor for one school year. From weekly to as-needed, the time commitments and roles are varied. Help change a child’s life

Get to Know Our Partners

Get to Know Our Partners

Life change happens through our partners. We can support them and our community by investing in relationships. Get to know them, serve them, and pursue your purpose together. Engage and serve

local events

Volunteer Events

Transformational love starts at home. Helping to provide a meal at Thanksgiving, volunteering at a local prison, or tutoring a kid in need—you can be a force for good in your ‘hood.

Find a Volunteer Role
adventure awaits

GO Trips

Poverty. Injustice. Unsafe drinking water. Food Insecurity. Human trafficking. The work varies from partner to partner, place to place, but the call is the same: GO, change the world.

Find a trip for you Where we go
global partners

Our Partners

We are invested in creating meaningful relationships with our global partners to help them achieve their goals, and set them up for long-term success. Whether local, regional, or international, our partners are answering the call to influence radical life change.

Learn about our fantastic partners

Why We Go

We are God’s plan A

Over the past two decades, God has called Crossroads into some very specific and unique global partnerships. We’re not big fans of just writing a check and patting ourselves on the back, we’re more likely to move into the neighborhood (which we have done, on multiple occasions). The work is hard. The fight has been long. But God never promised us “easy.” He promises a life fulfilled. Purpose and relationship—that’s what you get when you go.

why we go

Featured Partner

The Four Seven

It’s all about community, especially for those in prison. We experience God in amazing ways when we are willing to get vulnerable and welcome God into our relationships. The Four-Seven is committed to equipping the lives of the incarcerated, and their families with tools and resources that lead to transformation.

build the future


Do I have to be fully vaccinated to go on a trip?

Currently, only Nepal, India, and Guatemala trips require all participants to be fully vaccinated for Covid. This requirement is from the location itself or a partner requirement. Booster is not required at this time. We will continue to work closely with our partners to provide the most up to date information. Please note that the vaccine requirements are being imposed by the country itself and/or the partners that we work with. This is to ensure the health and safety of every trip participant and community we will be serving.

Will there be access to call home to notify family members that we arrived safely? Can my family notify me if there is a problem at home?

Yes, in most locations you should be able to use your cell phone....just make sure you have an international calling plan. We will also provide contact info to leave with your families in case of an emergency.

What if someone gets sick with Covid or something else that doesn't allow them to travel. Is there a refund or rescheduling?

There are no refunds for trip cancellations or changes, regardless of who is responsible for the change. If Crossroads cancels a trip, you will be able to transfer to another available 2023 trip. If you withdraw from a trip for any reason other than Covid or medical reasons, there is no refund, but we will work with you on a case by case basis to try to get you rescheduled on a different trip.

I will need to get a new passport. Do you have locations that you recommend people go to in order to do that?

Your local post office is a great place to apply for or renew a passport. Your local public library may be another option.